Hi there @Gnome,
Welcome to the Long COVID Support Community! My name is Kylie and I'm the Community Coordinator here in the forum, it's lovely to e-meet you 😊
Thank you for sharing your experience with Long COVID here so openly with us. We know that whilst it can feel like a weight is lifted in sharing your story, it can also feel a little vulnerable, so I wanted to acknowledge that.
You mention you've been living with Long COVID since March, 2020...that's quite a long slog. I'm sorry to hear that you've had to navigate symptoms such as the ones you mentioned – whilst things like hair loss and muscle pain may not be an immediate urgent concern in the medical field, when these symptoms start to add up it can sometimes feel like a weight to carry.
It's wonderful you've been able to be proactive in your self-care around this diagnosis. Have you found the support you need with your treating team?
Pacing, that is absolutely one of the keys in recovering from an illness, be it Long COVID or any other. Having navigated these symptoms for the past two years or more, have you found a groove or routine that works for you? I'm sure there are many reading along who are recently diagnosed and would love to hear what's been working for you.
Warm wishes and healing vibes to you 🌻